Germany Occupied, 1945-1948 : the Western Zones |
1945 to 1948 : America's Long Road to the Federal Republic of Germany (West) By Robert A. Selig, from
German Life NRW 2000 : Fringsen, in German, illustrated |
Politische Plakate in Deutschland :
Besatzungszeit 1945-1949 (political posters in Germany : occupation years 1945-1949) by Ziko Marcus Sikosek Images from Chronik 2000 Bilddatenbank : Ernst Heinkel at his Denazification, 1948; Currency Reform June 20th 1948 : 'head money' is paid. Truemmerfrauen Berlin 1946, (1); Hamsterfahrt 1946; Nuremberg Trials : Hermann Goering March 13th 1946; Nuremberg Trials : Goering and his attorneys, 1946; Nuremberg Trials : Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, 1946; Nuremberg Trials : Goering after the death sentence was passed; Nuremberg Trials : Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltrenbrunner; Truemmerfrauen 1946 (2); Truemmerfrauen 1946 (3); Opening of the Nuremberg Trials, Nov. 20th 1945 (1); Opening of the Nuremberg Trials, Nov. 20th 1945 (2); Nuremberg Trials : Goering, Hess, Nov. 1945; Keitel signs unconditional surrender to Soviet troops, Berlin-Karlshorst, May 8th 1945 (1); Keitel signs unconditional surrender to Soviet troops, Berlin-Karlshorst, May 8th 1945 (2); Jodl signs unconditional surrender to US and British troops, Reims, May 7th 1945 Documents from the Library of Congress, Project Whistlestop : Marshall Plan (click here for table of contents) : January 19, 1947, Herbert Hoover's letter to President Truman asking for an inclusive report in regards to spending on Germany for Congress and taxpayers October 30, 1946, Letter between Charles Kindleberger and Ken regarding a recently written manuscript on Germany February 28, 1947, Herbert Hoover's press release of The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 1: German Agriculture and Food Requirements March 24, 1947, Herbert Hoover's press release of The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 3 no date, Herbert Hoover The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 3: The necessary steps for promotion of German exports, so as to relieve American tax payers of the burdens of relief and for economic recovery of Europe August 14, 1946, Berlin No. 12, United States Politial Adviser for Germany Geldscheine des Alliierten Kontrollrats 1944-1948, from Deutsche Geldscheine DGB Plakatmappe, from Archiv der Sozialen Demokratie, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (collection of posters, many from 1947-1949, comment in German) Esther Rux, Nachkriegszeit in Deutschland 1945 - 1949, from Projekt: "Kollektives Gedächtnis" by DHM, on barter trade Arne Schiemann, Meine Zeit nach dem Krieg in Hamburg, from Projekt: "Kollektives Gedächtnis" by DHM Report on the 'acquisition' of coal in 1947 (fringsen), on Hamsterfahrten, Railway trip Berlin-West Zones 1945 without papers and ticket, from Diary Alfred Meschenmoser, in German, brief NRW Chronik : 1946, has links to audiofiles on a Razzia on the black market in Duisburg, 1946 Old Magazine Articles : Occupied Germany |
Article Germany, from Britannica Book of the Year 1946 pp. 341-345; Article Allied Military Government, ibid. pp.43-44 (on events in 1945) [G] Article Germany, from Britannica Book of the Year 1947 pp. 358-360; Article Allied Military Government, ibid. pp.42-45 (on events in 1946) [G] Article Germany, from Britannica Book of the Year 1948 pp. 342-345; Article Occupied Areas, Administration of, ibid. pp.555-557 (on events in 1946) [G] Article Germany, from Britannica Book of the Year 1949 pp. 300-304 (on events in 1946) [G] Osmar White, Conquerors' Road. An Eyewitness Report of Germany 1945, Cambridge : UP 1996 [G] West Germany in Ruins. The Aftrmath of Defeat, pp.122-135 in : A.J. Nicholls, Freedom with Responsibility, The Social Market Economy in Germany, 1918-1963, Oxford : Clarendon (1994) 2000 [G] Deutschland 1945-1949. Besatzungszeit und Staatengründung, Informationen zur politischen Bildung 259, Ndr. 2002; in German [G] Article : Germany, in : Americana Annual 1947 pp.286-295; Occupied Territories pp.515-518 (on events of 1946) [G] Confusions and Perplexities in Germany, pp.305-321 in : John Gunther, Behind the Curtain, NY : Harper & Bros. (1948) 1949 [G] |
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